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By Barbara Sturm DC   

Features Health Wellness

The way in which Innate expresses itself is unique to each of us, and that expression is priceless! The maximized expression of your innate intelligence is precisely where the juice of life exists. In some of us, that juice is dormant; in others, that juice is toxic; in still others, that juice is the wellspring from which massive, passionate action occurs daily. For this group, success seems effortless and their enjoyment in life is always at a premium. Have you noticed this?

The way in which Innate expresses itself is unique to each of us, and that expression is priceless! The maximized expression of your innate intelligence is precisely where the juice of life exists. In some of us, that juice is dormant; in others, that juice is toxic; in still others, that juice is the wellspring from which massive, passionate action occurs daily. For this group, success seems effortless and their enjoyment in life is always at a premium. Have you noticed this?

Our communities crave authentic energy! They’re thirsty for the truth about their health – a truth that can set them free from the claws of medicine and sickness! They want to live vibrant lives whose signature is marked by unconditional love, service and abundance! In short . . . they want what we have!! Unfortunately, many times what we have is hiding behind the curtain of “shoulds,” “musts,” and someone else’s definition of success and happiness. That, my friend, is just like taking a bad medicine.


Docs: I, like any other coach in our profession, can give you every tool required for success in your chiropractic office. That’s the easy stuff. It’s not about the what. It’s the who!!! It’s about you! Open your heart and see that the success you desperately crave wants you too and that it’s not to be found in some distant source – it’s within you! 
Can you remember being a small child and getting separated from your parents while in a public place? I can and it was really scary!! We were at Meijer’s in Ypsilanti, Michigan, and my mom told us not to play inside the clothing racks. Guess what . . . I was a bit of a pistol at times and those “Pistol Pete” ways got me into trouble. My attempts to coerce my siblings into dashing into the centre of a clothing rack didn’t work out so I chose to go it alone. I tiptoed around the corner and snuck into a rack in the women’s clothing section. I thought I was being pretty sneaky until I realized that I was alone –all alone! I raced out of the centre of that rack and began running around feverishly. Tears streamed down my face as I whimpered for my mom. I gazed around frantically, hoping to catch a glimpse of her or my siblings.

Finally, I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder followed by a faint, “Shhhh . . . just be still. Your mom will come find you.” The woman, in the Meijer’s vest with the teased-up hair-do, calmly stood with me until my mom arrived a few moments later. My mom scooped me up in her arms, letting me know I was safe. She thanked the Meijer’s employee for helping me.

This experience taught me a lot. We often expend a ton of energy, racing around, frantically searching for what we want when the answer really lies within. It’s much like the frantic race that many of my chiropractic brothers and sisters are in to “find success.” I see docs scurrying from this seminar to that one – flailing their credit cards desperate to purchase the “thing” that will finally turn their whole life around. They rip through the newest and greatest “tricks” at rapid speed. These docs are like gerbils in spinning wheels, going faster and faster, being everywhere and nowhere at the same time and with no way out. Months or even years of this insanity pass, and intense frustration and isolation take hold, shaking this doc to the core. Despite having spent thousands upon thousands of dollars to make things better, nothing has worked. This is not what we had envisioned for our lives as chiropractors.

I have to tell ya, it’s heart-wrenching to watch the chaos of my chiropractic brothers and sisters looking for some external secret when the answer, all along, lies . . . within them!!! It’s inside of you! The secret is within – whether you’re at the end of your rope or you just want more time and money to live your ideal!

The success you crave is accessible within yourself and will continuously give you that feeling of being right where you belong. Stop long enough to be still, search within, and find “home.”

Check out what Dr. Tami Hartman from New Jersey shared with me last week. “It has only been a few weeks . . . I am gaining more clarity . . . I have begun setting realistic, acceptable standards . . . I am clearing up old belief systems . . . I’m putting to rest issues that have been holding me back for years! I am slowly starting to take back control of my life and that is an awesome feeling! I feel lighter, happier and more at ease than I have in a long time!”

Doc, please ask yourself, “Why do I continue to struggle when the solution is so easy?”

Take a step closer to this solution every day. And remember – there are those whose arms and hearts are open to helping you find your way.

Dr. Barbara Sturm is the Head Coach and Dean of Achievement at She and her team help chiropractors and their support staff, worldwide, to achieve their practice goals.

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